Close-up shot of a Sony Alpha camera body and lens in dramatic dark lighting.
Vintage-style photo of a Sony mirrorless camera with prime lens mounted.
Detail shot of camera controls and dials on a Sony mirrorless camera body.


As photographers, we constantly hear the phrase "gear doesn't matter" or it's "about the photographer, not the camera" (I'm paraphrasing of course). I used to subscribe to this idea myself and would often judge photographers who would constantly upgrade their gear and buy the latest camera or lens as somewhat excessive, if not ridiculous. But, while our cameras may not pose our clients for us or choose which angle to shoot from, our cameras are essential tools, and well, we wouldn't be photographers without them. As fate would have it, I've had a change of heart. Until recently, I used to shoot all of my portrait photography work in San Marcos, Texas on my Fujifilm X-T3 with the 35 mm F.1.4 prime lens, which don't get me wrong, is no slouch in the photography world.  Whenever I nailed the shot, my Fujifilm gear performed gloriously and flawlessly. The colors were vibrant and popped off of the screen. The photos had almost a magical quality to them. It's hard to describe. To be honest, my clients fell in love the images that my Fujifilm camera produced. However, I quickly came to the realization that while I love my Fujifilm gear and the shear magic that it captures, I ultimately wanted a much more reliable and faster autofocus system for my portrait work.  In today's modern digital age, the autofocus technology boasted by the likes of Canon, Nikon, and Sony is nothing short of amazing. I made the decision to jump ship and do what I said I would never do, I switched to Sony. Ah!! All kidding aside, I now proudly shoot all of my portrait work with my new Sony A7III and a 50 MM prime lens and I'm a much happier photographer for it. Right out of the gate, the eye focus tracking is incredible even tracking my 9-month-old baby who is constantly on the move, never dropping focus for even an instant.  I can be confident that during any client portrait session in the San Marcos, Texas area, my client’s  eyes will be in tack sharp focus, allowing me to do what I do best, nail the shot! Even if your kids are running around during our session, my camera's focus can keep up with them and fully capture all of those beautiful moments!! See some product photography shots of my new gear below!

Artistic detail shot of Sony camera body and lens in low key lighting.
Dramatic side view of a Sony camera with telephoto lens attached.
Macro shot of camera lens with textured grip in monochrome.
Artistic close-up of a Sony camera lens showing circular front element.
Classic black and white photo of a Sony mirrorless camera with standard lens.
Close-up of a Sony Alpha mirrorless camera against dark background.
Detail macro shot of a Sony camera body showing textured grip and controls.
Vintage camera controls and dials in dramatic black and white lighting.
Shallow depth of field shot of a Sony camera with bokeh effects.